Special Meals
Begin your vacation with a pleasant flight to Fukuoka, Japan (NH/JL via Tokyo).
Upon arrival in Fukuoka, visit Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, located at Dazaifu Prefectural Natural Park. It is dedicated to Sugawara Michizane, known as the god of learning and so it is busy all year with visitors praying for success in academic achievement. Next, journey to Ukiha Town, a hidden treasure in the southeastern part of Fukuoka prefecture, renowned for its stunning landscapes and a well-preserved architectural legacy dating back to the 17th century. Indulge in a serene Yanagawa River Cruise, surrounded by the breathtaking natural scenery. Additionally, savour a special Unagi Rice meal while enjoying the river cruise experience.
Lunch / Dinner
Begin your day to explore the Yutoku Inari Shrine, counted among Japan’s topthree shrines dedicated to Inari, along with Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto and Toyokawa. This shrine is perched on the steep hillside of a valley, featuring its main hall elevated18 meters above the valley floor on tall wooden beams. After a delightful lunch, venture to Mount Mifuneyama, a sprawling 150,000-square meter park renowned for its breathtaking autumn foliage. As evening falls, experience the enchanting illumination of the park as part of seasonal festivals.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
After breakfast, explore Huis Ten Bosch, one of the largest theme parks in Japan, located in the southern region of Kyushu near Nagasaki. This park recreates a Dutch city, inspired by the historical Dutch-Japanese trading that commenced in 1609, not far from the original Huis Ten Bosch palace in the Netherlands. Visitors can immerse themselves in picturesque canals, windmills, and beautiful gardens. Next, proceed to Glover Garden, an idyllic open-air museum featuring landscaped gardens, Western-style historic mansions, and expansive vistas. Cap off the day by ascending the 333-meter-high Mt. Inasa, where you can relish an aerial perspective of Nagasaki’s breathtaking night views.
Breakfast / Dinner
After breakfast, set sail for Kumamoto by cruise, where, in certain seasons, you may even have the opportunity to observe and feed seagulls during the journey. Upon arrival at Josaien, situated in Sakura-nobaba at the base of Kumamoto Castle, delve into the atmosphere of a seventeenth century castle town. This area offers a rich experience of Kumamoto’s food, culture, and history. Venture to Suizenji Park to immerse yourself in the timeless allure of this traditional Japanese garden, featuring lush greenery and a serene spring pond. Wrap up your day with an enjoyable shopping expedition along Kamitori & Shimotori Street. Explore the lively streets lined with bustling shops and charming storefronts. Enjoy your exciting discoveries and take snapshots for memories while capturing the vibrant energy of Kumamoto’s bustling shopping district.
Breakfast / Lunch
After breakfast, journey to Senganen Garden, a traditional Japanese-style landscape garden situated along the coast north of downtown Kagoshima. Noteworthy among its features is the skillful incorporation of Sakurajima and Kagoshima Bay as borrowed scenery. The garden boasts small ponds, meandering streams, shrines, and a bamboo grove. Additionally, savour a matcha experience within the confines of a historic house. Embark on a ferry ride from Kagoshima Port to Sakurajima*, the iconic symbol of Kagoshima, characterized by its status as a compound active volcano with the North Peak and the South Peak. Weather permitting, revel in the splendid panoramic view from Yunohira Observatory, the highest accessible point on Sakurajima.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Proceed to Takachiho Gorge, shaped by the volcanic eruptions from Aso over several hundred million years. Following that, make a stop at Yufuin Village, a charming small theme park enveloped by diverse nature, designed to resemble a country village in England’s Cotswolds region. Here, you can see the renowned Lake Kinrinko, celebrated for its enchanting views that can be appreciated from the adjacent walking paths. Next, indulge in one of Beppu’s most distinctive experiences – immersing yourself in a Hot Sand Bath! Picture yourself reclining beneath the naturally heated sand, with the sea stretching out in front of you.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Journey to the Hells of Beppu, marveling at the steaming ponds displaying a spectrum of colors, bubbling mud pools, and diverse hydrothermal activities. Following that, indulge in a delightful shopping excursion at Mitsui Shopping Park LaLaport, Fukuoka, where you can revel in the excitement of approximately 220 stores and 9 parks. Conclude your day by immersing yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the city’s best-known symbol – the open-air food stands known as Yatai. With over 150 Yatais scattered across the city, explore these culinary gems for a memorable end to your day.
Transfer to the airport for your flight back to Singapore. We hope you have had an exciting holiday with SA Tours!
• 聚集于樟宜国际机场, 办理手续前往日本福冈 (NH/JL东京转机)。
• 太宰府天满宫 -作为日本最重要的神道教神社之一,它是全国12,000座天神神社的总本社,也是福冈最热门的观光场所之一。
• 浮羽市 - 这里的白壁土墙建筑几乎保留了当时的完整面貌。
• 柳川游船(网红景点)就是乘坐称为「到恩烤」的小舟沿着护城 河顺流而下,由河面上游玩这些名胜,这也是最能体验柳川市魅力的方 法。
午餐 / 晚餐
• 祐德稻荷神社為日本三大稻荷神社之一,廣大的寺院中御本殿、御神樂殿、樓門等以華麗色彩塗漆聞名被稱為”鎮西日光”。
• 御船山乐园位于武雄市的御船山山脚下,占地面积超过50 万平方米,园内有各种各样的花卉,是依照过去藩主的规划所建。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
• 豪斯登堡不仅是一个单纯的主题乐园,而是要建设一个未来的实验都市。地上建筑虽是17世纪的荷兰街景,但在看不见之处则采用了最新的科技。面积比东京迪斯尼乐园还要大两倍,是亚洲最大的休闲度假主题公园。
• 格洛弗花园 - 因为富有的苏格兰人而得名, 花园内有许多其他的建筑物,共有九座,其他西方家庭的住宅。
• 稻佐山 (缆车) 在山顶处可以眺望长崎全市的景色观赏风景的胜地。
早餐 / 晚餐
• 熊本城是日本三大名城之一又名银杏城,由名将加藤清正于庆长6年(1601年)动工经过7年的建造完成。
• 水前寺“成趣园”是一座围绕池塘而建的回游式庭园,为国家指定名胜史迹。
• 上通下通拱廊街从熊本主街道“电车通”向北延伸而出,带拱顶的部分全长有360米,跨度大约11米宽,有很多门类繁多的新旧店铺。
早餐 / 午餐
• 仙严园是1658年由岛津家第19代光久建造的。可眺望樱岛的庭园,其绝妙是鹿儿岛县代表性的景色之一。在园内也可以体会到抹茶体验!
• 乘船到*樱岛, 作为鹿儿岛的象征。 享受世界上屈指可数的活火山独有的绝景和体验。步上湯之平展望所 ,位于海拔373公尺、擁有360度視野的展望所能近距離眺望壯麗的櫻島活火山。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
• 高千穗峽是恆古以前阿蘇山的火山噴發後形成的溪谷。特征是兩側都有斷崖,有落差為17米的真名井瀑布,與美麗絕景一起存在的还有在同一峽谷上架起的三座橋,這也是高千穗峽的美麗所在。
• 湯布院花卉村 - 它是由布院的童话村庄,也是近年来最受欢迎的景点之一。
• 金麟湖 - 森林小径汤布院地区最具代表性的观光景点之一,当 阳光照 耀在清澈的湖面时,所产生的折射彷佛金色鱼鳞般 的闪烁而得名。
• 沙浴是利用的是温泉蒸汽,同一般沙浴相比更利于保持令人体 舒适的温度。不会过高恰到好处的热度,让您可以享受沙浴。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
• 别府地狱温泉 -位于日本大分县中部的别府县。 别府地区温泉众多,是很好的旅游之地其中别府最著名的 八大地狱温泉。
• 三井购物公园 - 作为首家进军九州的“啦啦宝都”,聚集了购物、饮食、娱乐等可让五感都得到享受的设施,旨在吸引各个年龄段的顾客。
• 福岡市內的屋台約莫佔日本全國的40%,是當地美食文化的一部分,也是來到福岡必體驗的活動。
• 告别难忘的日本,驱车往福冈国际机场,带着与中美旅游共享美好的点滴,回返新加坡。
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