Assemble at Changi International Airport for your flight to Hokkaido, Japan (via Tokyo). For morning departures, check in at the airport hotel upon your arrival.
Explore Noboribetsu Date Jidaimura, a village-themed park showcasing artifacts from the Edo period. Here, you can also experience the art of Japanese archery. Following that, venture to the renowned Jigokudani, or Hell Valley. Conclude your day with a soothing soak in a hot spring enriched with sulfur-mineral water in the evening.
Start your day with a trip to the charming Bear Ranch in Hokkaido, where you can encounter the delightful brown bears. Capture picturesque moments at Silo Observation, an observation deck on the western shore offering stunning vistas of Lake Toya and Mt. Showa Shinzan. Next, coach to Hakodate and explore the Kanemori Red Brick Warehouse, the city's initial commercial warehouse turned into a bustling shopping area. Cap off your day by ascending Mt. Hakodate via ropeway, treating yourself to a breathtaking view that has been voted among the top three in the world (Note: Subject to weather conditions).
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Discover the Hakodate Morning Market, showcasing a diverse selection of fresh seafood. Next, Hakodate Tropical Botanical Garden, a popular attraction where you can see the hot-tubbing snow monkeys (Dec-Feb) and the green house, which is the main exhibit. Create lasting memories at Ōnuma Quasi-National Park, an enchanting lakeside destination.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Stop for photos at Otaru Canal, a beloved spot known for its nostalgic ambiance. Immerse yourself in the charm of Otaru at the Music Box Museum & Kitaichi Glass Shop. Next, visit Furano Green House and see the beautiful seasonal flowers. Tonight, stay at Sounkyo Hot Spring, one of the most famous hot springs in Hokkaido.
Seasonal Bonus:
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
This morning, visit Sounkyo Gorge, flanked majestically on both sides by 150-meter-high perpendicular cliffs with columnar joints. See the Milky Way Waterfall and Shooting Stars Waterfall. Biei is famous for its many appearances in films or commercials due to its incredible beauty. Lastly, shop to your heart’s content at Mitsui Outlet Fashion Park for some retail therapy and pick from a wide range of domestic and imported brand items.
Breakfast / Lunch
This morning, take a drive past Odori Park and Sapporo TV Tower, situated in the heart of Sapporo. Next, proceed to Royce Cacao and Chocolate Town, one of Sapporo’s newest and largest attractions. Explores the process of chocolate-making and the history behind Royce Chocolates! Visit and savour Sapporo beer at Sapporo Beer Museum - Japan’s only museum dedicated to beer, which explores the long history of Sapporo Beer. See Hokkaido Shrine, a traditional place of worship for the Japanese “Shindo” and the oldest shrine in Hokkaido. This is also the best location to enjoy the scenery for all four seasons. Lastly, indulge in shopping along Tanuki Koji, Hokkaido's longest and most bustling shopping street.
Breakfast / Lunch
Today, you have leisurely free time to enjoy Sapporo, the largest city in Hokkaido. (Note: There will be no free day on Day 8 for 9D6N or 8D6N itinerary and you will transfer to the airport for your flight to Singapore.)
Head to the airport for your flight home. We hope you have had an exciting holiday with SA Tours!
聚集于樟宜国际机场办理手续前往日本东京(乘NH/JL航班前往东京转机, 内陆飞机可飞千岁或函馆顺序会调整)。早航班客人入住机场酒店 。
登别伊达时代村是一座再现江户时代(1600-1864时的 街风街貌,以观赏戏剧为主,体验当时社会情形的主题公园。村内很多细节都是经过严格考据复制的,穿过城廓的正门—大手门便可到达江户时代的商品经济活跃兴隆的商店街及江户时代生活在低洼区域的庶民居住的地区“下 丁” 。
登别地狱谷拍照留念登别著名的 “地狱谷” 热气与硫磺所行成的景象如传说中的地狱而得名。
今早到熊牧场,那里饲养了百多只独特可爱的北海道棕熊。经停西罗展望台姚望美丽宁静的洞爷湖和洞爷湖中岛, 拍照留念可姚望昭和新山从昭和年代由地底涌出的熔岩所行成 , 至今还冒着热气。续车参观金森亦仓库区明治馆北海道函馆拍照最美 的地方必须打卡圣地,如时间应许可到逛一逛。
乘坐缆车上函馆山观看令人惊叹的景观,也被评选为世界前三名 (视天气情况而定) 。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
游览函馆早市, 这里主要销售各类生猛海鲜海产。风景秀丽的函馆五棱郭公园,这是一个自然丰富的地区,在整个四个季节都能欣赏到美丽的景色。看大沼国定公园美丽的山水景色。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
前往浪漫迷人的小樽运河拍照留念 - 参观小樽音乐盒厂和北一玻璃厂。参观富良野富田花, 这里也有室内温室可看到四季不同的花朵。晚上入住层云峡温泉 。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
层云峡溪谷这里有不少瀑布,其中被认为最美的两个瀑布,分别是从90米断崖倾泻而下的流星瀑布以及抽丝引线般悠悠流下来的银河瀑布。三井奥特莱斯免税店 - 在此你能 够尽情地购物,为离开北海道前做最后的冲刺疯狂扫货。
早餐 / 午餐
开车经过位于札幌市中心的大通公园,札幌市时级台以及札幌电视塔。接下来,前往札幌最新、最大的景点之一罗伊斯可可和巧克力城。探索巧克力的制作过程和罗伊斯巧克力背后的历史!参观札幌啤酒厂享受新鲜啤酒。北海道神宫 - 是北海道最大的神宫之一。
早餐 / 午餐
告别难忘的日本,驱车前往际机场带着与中美旅游共享美好的点滴, 回返新加坡。
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