

✰ Local 5-star Hotels*     ✰ Flower Appreciation*    No Shopping Tour  Excluding tea culture

Xinghua Qianduo Water Rapeseed Flower SeaExperience Jiangsu's unique rapeseed flower sea, surrounded by water, creating a picturesque field.

Lizhong Water Forest Park ; Water Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area - , stroll through the water forest park, enjoy the refreshing oxygen, and take a raft ride through the scenic water town.

Yuantouzhu, Wuxi ; Source of the Taihu Lake - -Explore Yuantouzhu in Wuxi, known for its cherry blossoms and located at the source of Taihu Lake.

Nanxun Ancient Town ;Immerse yourself in the rich culture of Nanxun, a picturesque water town in Jiangnan.

Hangzhou Changqiao Park ;Discover Changqiao Park, one of West Lake's romantic lover bridges.

Nanjing Xuanwu Lake Park ;Visit Xuanwu Lake Park, the last remaining royal gardens in Jiangnan, known as the "Pearl of Jinling."

Nanjing Grand Baoen TempleExplore the iconic Baoen Temple in Nanjing, with its high specifications and complete preservation.

Nanjing Niushoushan Discover the "Spring Cow Head" at Niushoushan Buddha Peak Palace, one of Jinling's must-visit scenic spots.

✰ JIANGNAN GOURMET FOOD ✰ : *- Nanjing: Jinling Salted Duck   *- Taizhou: Taizhou Lion Head   *- Wuxi: Enjoy the "Qianlong Banquet" and "Casserole Fish Head Pot."

*- Hangzhou: Indulge in the "Immortal Old Duck Pot" and the unique flavors of Hangzhou cuisine in the Tea Township.

✰  全程准5星级酒店   ✰  江南好时节赏花正当时     ✰ 无强制性购物-茶艺除外


【兴化千垛水上油菜花海】 :      江苏最奇特的油菜花海、生長在四面環水垛田上的油菜花田。
【水上九寨沟-李中水上森林公园】:      漫步水上森林公园,呼吸森林氧吧,乘坐木筏领略“林中有水、林中有鸟”的水乡美景。
【太湖源头-无锡鼋头渚】 :   “太湖佳绝处,毕竟在鼋头”太湖最美的一角,无锡赏樱花第一处。
【南浔古镇】“文化之邦”和“诗书之乡” ,  尽显江南水乡味道。
【南京玄武湖公园】中国仅存的江南皇家园林 ; 被誉为“金陵明珠”。
【南京大报恩寺】南京城市地标与文化坐标、 中国规格高、规模大、保存完整的寺庙遗址。
【南京牛首山 佛顶宫】金陵四大名胜之一、素有“春牛首”之美誉,春季踏青必到之处。

* 江南风味美食:  




Embark on your vacation with a flight to Shanghai. Upon landing, proceed to explore the enchanting Ancient Town of Zhujiajiao. Following that, continue your journey to Taizhou, where you'll visit Mei Lanfang's former residence. Conclude the day by checking into a hotel after enjoying a satisfying dinner.

Lunch / Dinner


After breakfast, journey to the Xinghua Qianduo Water Rapeseed Flower Sea, renowned for its unique beauty in Jiangsu. Explore rapeseed flower fields surrounded by water, resembling small islands. Next, visit Lizhong Water Forest Park, often called the "Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area on the water." Enjoy the landscape on a bamboo raft, immersing yourself in the beauty of "water in the forest, birds in the forest." Conclude the day with a visit to Taizhou Old Street, followed by a delightful dinner at your own expense.

Breakfast / Lunch


After breakfast, travel to Wuxi to explore the picturesque Yuantouzhu, renowned as the "wonderful place of Taihu Lake." Enjoy the stunning cherry blossoms and scenic views along the Ten Mile Pearl Causeway. Take a break at Nianhua Bay Town for dinner (at your own expense), indulging in both beautiful landscapes and delicious cuisine. Experience the daytime charm of Xiangyue Flower Street with its Tang Dynasty allure, and as night falls, immerse yourself in the Zen realm illuminated by lanterns, embodying the essence of "one flower, one world, and one leaf, one Tathagata."

Breakfast / Lunch


Head to Nanjing to explore the Niushoushan Scenic Area ; ( Buddha Peak Palace, Zen Temple, and the Sleeping Buddha). The Sacrificial Pagoda in the Thousand Buddha Hall is the world's largest indoor tower, offering a captivating view of this cultural and spiritual landmark.

In the Old Gate East Historical District (dinner at your own expense), experience the charm of ancient Nanjing with its well-preserved traditional Chinese architecture, featuring reconstructed wooden buildings and horse head walls in traditional styles.

Breakfast / Lunch


After breakfast, explore the beauty of Xuanwu Lake Park, China's largest imperial garden lake, featuring cherry blossoms, peach blossoms, and crabapple blossoms. Visit Dabao'en Temple, home to the impressive glazed pagoda—one of Jinling's 48 scenic spots and China's most fully preserved temple site. End the day at the Qinhuai Scenic Belt of the Confucius Temple for a historical and picturesque experience.

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner


After breakfast, visit Hangzhou and explore Changqiao Park, renowned as one of West Lake's three major lover bridges, offering views of plum blossoms and magnolias. The park, known as Hangzhou's "City Flower Park," boasts an exquisite layout and profound artistic conception. Proceed to Prince's Bay Park, celebrated for its spring tulips (enjoy tulip viewing). Conclude the day with a coach tour of the Qiantang River to admire the Qianjiang Bridge.

Breakfast / Lunch


Following breakfast, Savor a tea experience in Meiwu Tea Township at West Lake, specifically in Longjing. Immerse yourself in Chinese tea culture and, if interested, partake in the countryside experience of picking and farming tea. Later, explore Nanxun Ancient Town, with a highlight being the admiration of wisteria flowers in Xiaolianzhuang.

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner


After breakfast, head back to Shanghai. Explore the cherry blossoms in Gucun Park, stroll along the Nanjing Road Walkway in the First Business District of China, and take a night tour of The Bund. Conclude your trip by transferring to the airport for your flight back to Singapore. We hope you have had an enjoyable vacation with SA Tours!

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner


乘机前往上海,抵达后游览朱家角古镇; 朱家角为镇上海四大历史文化名镇之一 ,镇内小桥流水,古意盎然。之后前往位於江苏省中部的泰州,游览梅兰芳故居

本帮风味 / 泰州狮子头



泰州老街,一个麻石铺就的明清小巷,穿梭在深深的四合院落,声声入耳的评弹说唱,满街悠悠飘香的小吃,加上悠长悠长的叫喊吆喝声,一条青砖黛瓦的古建筑带,这就是 “泰州老街”。从以前到现在,已有300年了。

早餐 / 里下河湖鲜宴


早餐后, 前往游览 鼋头渚“太湖佳绝处,毕竟在鼋头”,太湖最美的一角,无锡赏樱花第一处。车游太湖十里明珠堤、游览拈花灣小鎮(小镇内自理晚餐),白天在唐風古韻的香月花街,賞美景、嘗美食,享受慢調時光;到了夜晚,華燈初上,在空靈明淨的禪意世界,感悟“一花一世界,一葉一如來”的曼妙禪境。

早餐 / 午餐


早餐后前往南京,游览 牛首山景区(佛顶宫、禅境大观、卧佛)。牛首山佛顶宫千佛殿内的舍利大塔,是目前世界最大的室内塔,象征了清净尊严的华藏世界。南京老门东历史街区(自理晚餐) 南京老城南地区,如今按照传统样式复建传统中式木质建筑、马头墙,再现老城南原貌。

早餐 / 午餐


早餐后, 游览中国规模较大的皇家园林湖泊-玄武湖公园(赏樱花、桃花、海棠花)。参观大报恩寺,寺中琉璃塔位列金陵四十八景之一,是中国规格最高、规模最大、保存最完整的寺庙遗址。游览夫子庙秦淮风光带。

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐


早餐后,前往杭州 游览西湖三大情人桥之一长桥公园(*赏梅花、玉兰花)。长桥公园沿湖延伸,布局精巧,意境深邃,有杭州“市花公园”之称。随后游览以春季郁金香闻名的太子湾公园(*赏郁金香),车游钱塘江观钱江大桥。

早餐 / 午餐


早餐后, 十里梅坞茶乡品茗西湖龙井了解国茶文化(可体验农家采摘农趣)。前往南浔南浔古镇(小莲庄赏紫藤花)、建筑中西合壁,水运交通四通八达,保留着水乡的质朴和安静,又有着人间烟火气息。

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐



早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐


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