Your holiday begin with a pleasant flight to the capital of Yunnan - Kunming.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
After breakfast, visit the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Scenic Area where you will take the cableway to the Glacier Park, 4500m above sea level, see the 2.7m long white water glacier that was formed 40,000 years ago. The Iced Tallinn, also known as “Green Snow Peaks”. As the cable car ascends, you can see different types of glaciers. Next, visit the Lan Yue Valley (Blue Moon Valley) and Ganhaizi. Continue to enjoy the ecological stage performance of
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Coach on to Shangri-la . Enjoy a visit to the famous Shangri-la Gedan SongZanLing Lamasery. Constructed in 1679 , it is similar to the original one in Tibet. Also known as the small Potala Palace, it is the first Tibetan Buddhist temple in Yunnan. Visit a local Tibetan Home, understand the life of Tibetans, experience different local customs, and learn about making butter tea tools and supplies. Next, visit the Guishan Park, World’s Biggest Tibetan Prayer Wheel and Dukezong Ancient City. Dukezong was a key stop on the Ancient Tea-horse Road and a focal point for Han-Tibetan exchanges. It is the largest and best-preserved Tibetan city among China 147 Tibetan counties.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
After breakfast, proceed to Dali; en-route, enjoy the view of the First Bend of Yangtze, a well-known geological phenomenon. Upon arrival, learn about Dali’s 600 years of historical culture, proceed to visit Dali Ancient Town (excludes electric tram ride), and the famous Foreigners Street. Next, proceed visit Dali Bai village to enjoy Dali 3 Famous Bai Tribe’s Tea + Performance.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
After breakfast, coach on to visit Stone Forest(includes electric tram ride), also known as “The First Wonder of the World” ;amazed by a massive collection of gray limestone pillars, split by rainwater and eroded to their present form. You will be captivated by its immense beauty. This forest of stone, formed by erosion over millions of years, is comprised of many stone peaks, pillars and stalagmites rising abruptly from the ground.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Proceed to the biggest cave cluster in China, at your own expense visit Jiuxiang (includes one-way cable car),famous for its magnificent caves, waterfalls and beautiful landscape. Coach back to Kunming, visit *Daguan Park, built during Kangxi dynasty. It boasts a 180-word antithetical couplet, the longest in China..
*Flower viewing: tulips from January to February,June-August lotus, October chrysanthemum
Thereafter tour to Nanping Pedestrian Street and JinMaBiJi (Golden Horse Jade Rooster Archway). Enjoy a Mushroom Hot Pot Dinner (at your own expense). Tonight, enjoy the “Dynamic Yunnan” Performance (optional tour). This grand, original ethnic dance musical fuses the music of Yunnan’s ethnic minorities. *Group dep. from 20Feb-20Mar Daguan Park will be changed to Yuantong Shan Cherry Blossom*
Breakfast / Lunch
Transfer to the airport for your flight back to Singapore.
早餐后,驱车前往有 “东方瑞士”的美称的【大理】;风,花,雪和月为大理四景。欣赏大理洱海美丽的风光,自费游览南方最古老雄伟的建筑之一【崇圣寺三塔(入内)】,塔是大理市“文献名邦”的象征,它似三支巨笔,把古城点缀得更加壮丽。这也是大理国时期的皇家寺院。这里西靠苍山,风景十分优美。续程前往丽江游览【大研古镇】和由“小桥,流水,人家”所形成独具特色的【四方街古城】。古城中的四方街,街巷汇集,店铺林立。接着参观【黑龙潭公园】又名玉泉公园,为世界文化遗产-丽江古城的一部分。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
今天乘车前往中甸(香格里拉), 游览云南省规模最大的藏传佛教寺院【松赞林寺】又称小布达拉宫。从香格里拉县向北望去,在宽阔的草原尽头,群山之间,有一座集镇规模的建筑群,极高处的屋顶上有鎏金铜瓦熠熠放光,夺人眼目。这片近乎古堡群似的建筑,就是松赞林寺。接着参观【藏民家访】进入藏民生活,体验不同的乡土人情,了解制作酥油茶工具用品。随后参观【龟山公园】,观【世界最大的转经筒】和中国保存得最好,最大的藏民居群【独克宗古城】。独克宗古城是一座具有1300多年历史的古城,曾是雪域藏乡和滇域民族文化交流的窗口,茶马古道的枢纽和川藏滇地区经济贸易的纽带。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
早餐后,乘车返大理,沿途远观长江第一湾 ,游览拥有600多年历史的【大理古城】(不含电瓶车),是古代南诏国和大理国的都城。前往著名的【大理洋人街】逛逛,在这里的铺面林立两侧及货品琳琅满目,尽情享受购物的乐趣。续程参观保存得最完好的大理白族自治州民居建筑【白族民居古镇】,是白族工商业发展的摇篮,带您了解白族历史文化,“三坊一照壁,四合五天井”的白族建筑特色。在这您将【品尝大理著名的三道茶】和【观看白族歌舞表演】。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
*推荐自费:观看原生态歌舞表演《 云南映象 》
早餐 / 午餐
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