*FREE UPGRADE! 5N Local 5✰HOTELS: *Shenyang 5✰Sheraton/Renaissance *Harbin 5✰ Sheraton/JW Marriott *Changchun 5
✰ Hot Spring Resort *SNOW TOWN 2N. Homestay
*or similar class hotel
“Home Of Snow”, includes visit to “Dream Home in Snow Town”
*SNOW TOWN Special Gift: 3 photos per person
* Participate in experiencing Northeast folk Customs (making dumplings, wearing flower jackets, pasting Spring Festival couplets, setting off firecrackers, making snowmen).
*Enjoy Skiing or Snow Circle Experience
*Harbin World of Ice and Snow Fair*
FREE GIFTS ✰Hat ✰ Scarf ✰Gloves ✰ Socks ✰Anti-shoe Slip ✰ Russian Ice Cream ✰Kvass Bread Soda ✰Dalieba ✰Russian Dolls
* Manchu Style Pickled Cabbage and Pork Pot * Roast Duck with Fruit Wood Flavor *Herbal Cuisine * Steamed Seafood and Roasted Meat Buffet
*Mushroom Soup Base Hot Pot * Northeast stove pot *Dumplings Feast * Northeast New Year's Eve Dinner * Yabuli Mountain Banquet * Wu Kee Sauce Bone
* Country Farmhouse Feast * Fengtian Mineral Fish Head Cake *Golden Ring Western Restaurant Russian Cuisine (Special Tasting: Vodka + Russian Red Wine + Harbin Beer)
-2晚哈尔滨5*喜来登或同级 -5星长春温泉酒店或同级 -5星沈阳喜来登或同级
Your holiday begins with a flight to Shenyang, the capital and the largest city in Liaoning Province. Upon arrival, head over to the winter clothing store, where you'll receive complimentary items such as a hat, scarf, gloves, socks, and anti-slip shoes. Afterward, explore the Shenyang Imperial Palace, which once served as the residence for the later Jin dynasty and the early Qing dynasty. This historic palace, constructed in 1625, housed the first three Qing emperors from 1625 to 1644. Finally, make your way to Manqing Street to continue your adventure.
Lunch / Dinner
After breakfast, set off to explore the attraction known as "Here Are Mountains" and witness how a "mountain" has the power to invigorate a "city." Next, venture to the Forest Hot Spring Resort, where you can relish both indoor and outdoor hot springs. Nestled within the pristine jungle surroundings, this resort boasts natural splendor, crystal-clear waters, and hot spring pools fed by granite waters emerging from the earth.
(Remarks: Bring your own swimsuit and swimming cap).
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
After breakfast, embark on a trip to the Siberian Tiger Park (at your own expense), recognized as the largest Siberian tiger breeding facility and a zoological park in Harbin. To observe these magnificent creatures, visitors are required to board a specialized coach for a close encounter with the tigers. Take a glimpse of the striking exterior of the Harbin Grand Theater, a splendid architectural marvel. Make sure to explore the enchanting ice sculptures and snow statues showcased at the *World of Ice & Snow Fair. Every year, the park undergoes a transformation with freshly designed ice structures, snow creations, and sculptures, adding to its unique allure.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Yabuli Ski Resort stands as the largest skiing destination in all of China. Put your skiing skills to the test and relish the joy of snow sports while exploring various other snow-related activities. Delight in our special offer of two hours of junior skiing, complete with poles, snowboards, and snowshoes, or opt for a 40-minute snow circle experience. Continue your journey to Snow Town, celebrated as the ultimate location to savor the deepest snow and a wide array of snow-centric activities in China. With the highest snowfall in the country, it's renowned as the "Snow Capital of China." Along the way, you'll catch a distant glimpse of Daguokui Mountain. While visiting the Erlang River Scenic Area, take part in immersing yourself in the traditions of Northeastern culture, such as dumpling making, donning flower jackets, affixing Spring Festival couplets, igniting firecrackers, and crafting snowmen.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
China Snow Town is renowned as the leading snow destination in China, offering the quintessential experience of the winter wonderland. This snow, known for its remarkable depth and exceptional stickiness, will captivate you with its fairy-tale-like enchantment. The snow appears as smooth as whipped cream, draping from the eaves to the ground, crafting a distinctive "snow curtain" spectacle. Continue your journey through the Snow Town Scenic Area, complete with an eco-car ride, to reach the grand stone monument and leisurely explore Snow Town Street. Take a tour of "Dream Home in Snow Town," Snow Mushroom, the Snow Town Observation Deck, Forest Sea, and the Snow Field Jungle Boardwalk – a haven for both photographers and winter enthusiasts.
Special Gift: Each person will receive 3 photos and a brief aerial video, courtesy of the Snow Town Museum.
Immerse yourself in the captivating act of transforming water into ice. Carry on with your journey to explore Volga Manor, a grand estate adorned with exquisite Russian-inspired architecture that transports you into a magical realm, reminiscent of Moscow itself. Explore the scenic wonders of Volga Manor, including its Bridge, St. Nicholas Cathedral, Petrov Oil Painting Art Palace, Poseidon Bay Lighthouse, and the Unicorn building.
For those interested, there's an optional visit to the Vodka Museum, with the tasting experience available at your own cost.
* Please note that triple room sharing is not available at Volga Manor Hotel, and a $50 surcharge applies for single room occupancy.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Begin your tour by visiting St. Sofia, Asia's largest Orthodox Church, constructed in 1907 under the supervision of the Russian Army. Afterward, explore Stalin Park and the Flood Prevention Memorial, erected in memory of Harbin's 1957 flood. You'll also have the opportunity to cross the Middle East Railway Bridge.
Make a stop at Zhong Yang Street, Harbin's bustling commercial district, where you can enjoy complimentary Russian ice cream. Following this, catch a high-speed train to Shenyang. Upon arrival, take a leisurely walk along Zhongjie Pedestrian Street and pay a visit to the charming Siping Ancient Alley.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
We hope you have had an enjoyable vacation with SA Tours!
齐集樟宜国际机场,乘搭客机飞往东北最大城市沈阳,抵达后前往 东北棉服超市(赠送保暖五件套帽子、围巾、手套、棉袜、防滑链)。参观北京以外最大、最雄伟的宫殿建筑群 沈阳故宫;一朝发祥地、两代帝王都、中国保存最完好皇家宫殿之一,是少数民族一统江山的开国之地。
午餐 / 晚餐
早餐后, 前往“这有山”超级网红打卡小镇。 继续前往 森林温泉度假村, 享受酒店室内外温泉,汗蒸,桑拿; 它地处丛林原生态的环境中,有从未破坏过的自然美景,由清澈水源纵贯南北,来自地下底部的花岗岩温泉水脉,是非常难得的寒地温泉。客人可以在度假胜地尽情享受室内外温泉池,还可以蒸桑拿。(备注:自带泳衣泳帽)
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
早餐后 ,自费参观 东北虎林园; 该园是世界上最大的人工饲养和繁育东北虎基地,游人须乘专用旅游车漫游于群虎之间。续往 北方冰城“哈尔滨”外观哈尔滨大剧院,参观“*哈尔滨冰雪大世界”(保证充足时间全园游览)冰雪大世界集天下冰雪艺术之精华,冰雪景观最多最全,融冰雪娱乐活动于一园,是当今世界规模最大的冰雕,雪塑世界。冰雪大世界将隆重推出规模空前的超大型冰雪艺术精品,展示北方名城哈尔滨冰雪文化和冰雪旅游的独特魅力。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
今天前往中国最大的天然滑雪场的 亚布力滑雪度假区; 在此可以尽情的和白雪交朋友。可以尽情滑雪及参加其他的雪上活动。特别赠送滑雪场初级滑雪2H(含雪杖、雪板、雪鞋)或 雪圈体验40分钟。乘车前往荣获冬季最美旅游目的地和“美丽中国”十佳景区“雪乡”,途中远观大锅盔山,雪乡二浪河风景区和您将参与体验东北民俗(包饺子、穿花袄、贴春联、放鞭炮、堆雪人)。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
早餐后, 参观 雪乡风景区(含环保车); 雪乡位于黑龙江省牡丹江市西南部,在风力的作用下随物具形,千姿百态,仿佛置身冰雪仙境、童话世界。观赏 雪乡大石碑,逛逛 雪韵大街- *特别赠送“梦幻家园风景区”(雪乡打卡地)-雪蘑菇-雪乡观景台-林海雪原丛林栈道-
泼水成冰体验, 伏尔加庄园风景区,网红桥,圣·尼古拉大教堂(入内),彼得洛夫油画艺术宫(入内),普希金沙龙展(入内),海神湾灯塔, 网红独角兽建筑 ,(自费:伏特加酒博物馆含品酒)
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
游圣·索菲亚教堂广场(自费:入内参观索菲亚教堂内部)此教堂是亚洲地区最大的东正教教堂,前身是沙俄东西伯利亚第四步兵师修建的随军教堂。参观哈尔滨市重要标志防洪纪念塔,斯大林公园和登中东铁路大桥。随后,前往哈尔滨有百年老街之称的 中央大街(赠送马迭尔俄式雪糕),这里有代表世界各类建筑风格的建筑物近百栋之多。之后前往乘高铁前往沈阳。抵达后,前往中街步行街逛逛,参观四平古巷。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
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