Assemble at Changi International Airport for your flight to Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province.
Mt. Siguniang is the highest mountain of Qionglai Mountains in Western China and is renowned for its 4 peaks and its fantastic beauty. Drive to Rilong Town. Pass the Cat Nose Bridge for a panoramic view of the landscape of Mt.Siguniang . Visit Shuangqiao Valley (including tram ride), the most beautiful valley of Mt. Siguniang. Marvel at the beautiful low mountainous areas that lead to a lush forest.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Changping Valley has 21 tourist spots along this 29-kilometer valley. Entering into this kingdom of plants, you’ll not only be fully amazed by its primitive beautiful natural landscape, but also be touched by the miraculous legends and unique cultures of Jiarong Tibetan. Along the valley are highlights like Lama Monastery, Withered-Tree Beach, Sea Buckthorn Forest, Upper Dry Sea & Lower Dry Sea, Red Stone Beach and Muluozi. Danba Jiaju Tibetan Village is the most concentrated place for Jiarong Tibetans with hundreds of Tibetan-style houses built along the mountains fertile fields, with more than 140 families residing here. It was rated as one of the most beautiful villages in China by National Geographic.
Head to Bamei . Pass by the East Valley and Tagong Grassland, visit Bamei Moshi Park and enjoy the Bamei prairie en route to Xinduqiao Huiyuan Temple is a temple with outstanding local features and is an artistic classic of the
Kangba Area. * Compulsory Tour TaGong Temple (Small Jokhang Temple) was built during the Qing Dynasty .
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
At Xinduqiao , enjoy the morning light and take some splendid photos. Pass through Ding Zhen's hometown Litang , Rabbit Mountain , Gaorsi Mountain, Haizi Mountain, Kazira Mountain , 10,000 acres of aspen forest before reaching
Riwa Gaorsi Mountain is a scenic spot on the China National Highway 318 and at 4,659m altitude, it is one of the best locations to view Snowy Mountains ( Yala Mountain, Ziduo Mountain, and Gongga Mountain). Mt. Kazira lies
4,718m above sea level and is home to beautiful pastures. Mt. Haizishan : The Nature Reserve is located in Plateaux Region in northern Daocheng . It is the largest ancient ice body on the Tibetan Plateau and is also known as the
Daocheng Ancient Ice Cap
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Take the scenic sightseeing bus to Yading Scenic Area. It is also known as “The Last Pure Land on Earth” & “The Last Shangri-la” because of its pure and amazing plateau scenery. Take a tram to Luotong Cattle Farm. At the scenic area, see Holy Mt.Xianairi, Chano Doji and Yangmaiyong. See the wild animals, alpine flowers, snow mountains, forests, glaciers, lakes and experience the pleasures of the harmony between man and nature. When the bus gets to the terminal, proceed to Chonggu Temple. Then, visit Zhumalacuo Holy Lake (Pearl Sea).
Noted: (1)Today’s lunch is a lunch box
(2)There is no road from Luorong Cattle Farm to Dairy Sea and the one-way hiking time is limited to 3.5hr. Due to the high altitude, it is dangerous to climb the mountain by horse riding, so it is not recommended.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Head to Litang, the city of the sky, visit Tibetan Village, Letong Ancient Town, stop at the viewing platform at the 18th Bend of Tianlu, and arrive at Xindu Bridge in the evening.
ChangQingKol Monastery houses various treasures, it is the oldest and largest Tibetan Buddhist Temple in Kangba.
Letong Ancient Town is located in the Sky City, Litang and is home to Khampa Tibetan culture. The town has around 1,000 ancient constructions featuring Khampa elements.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Today, experience our specially arranged home visits to Tibetan villages, taste a Tibetan breakfast, and experience the customs of the Tibetan people and the enthusiasm of Tibetan compatriots. Drive over the plateau of Mt.Zheduo to Kangding and visit Kangding Mugecuo Scenic Area (including environment-friendly tram). Mugecuo is the largest alpine lake in Sichuan.Endowed with numerous lakes, waterfalls, hot springs, dense woods, fragrant flowers, peculiar peaks and grotesque rocks, Mugecuo Scenic Area presents picturesque scenery all the year round. Proceed for a (compulsory tour) Night Tour of Kangding .
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Shangli Ancient Town is one of the “Top 10 Ancient Towns in Sichuan” with ancient wood buildings, ancient memorial archways, ancient towers, ancient bridges, ancient temples, slogans of the “Red Army”, fascinating natural scenery, pure folk customs, and interesting local festivals. This town is regarded as the most famous historic and cultural town in Sichuan and is one of the most popular for tourists.
*Luding Bridge (Compulsory tour) is a masterpiece of ancient Chinese bridge construction. The bridge dates from the Qing Dynasty and is considered a historical landmark.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
途经都江堰、映秀、卧龙,在云海漫漫中翻越【巴朗山】 峰回路转,烟霞缥缈,山顶眺望,白云铺满长长的峡谷,风起云涌,波澜壮阔,蔚为壮观。后驻足【猫鼻梁】赏四姑娘山全貌。抵达四姑娘景区,换成观光车游览【双桥沟】景区。(双桥沟内次第分布着几十座海拔超过 5000米的山峰,会同山涧溪流,风景优美如同徐徐展开的山水画卷。一路游赏阴阳谷、五色山、日月宝镜、人参果坪、沙棘林栈道、撵鱼坝、猎人峰、牛棚子、牛心山、阿妣山、野人峰等。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
早餐后, 途经甘孜州注明塔公草原, 尼玛河谷,东谷天然盆景,游览宝石迷宫【八美墨石公园】,【惠远寺】远观【道孚民居】途中安排自费套餐【塔公寺】参观。之后抵达新都桥。【墨石公园】中国4A级旅游景区,墨石公园石林的岩石,并不是平常见到的色黑如漆的墨石,而是一种「糜棱岩」这种岩石是鲜水河断裂带中的岩石受到挤压、剪切、发生区域动力变质作用,破碎并糜化而形成的。八美石林是中国唯一的高原石林景观,被誉为「中国最美景观大道第八美」。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
欣赏摄影天堂晨曦,途经丁真家乡理塘,穿越兔儿山,高尔寺山,海子山,卡子拉山,万亩白杨林,抵达日瓦.【高尔寺山】:318 国道上的景点之一,海拔 4659米,它是 纵览大雪山(雅拉神山,折多山,和贡嘎神山)的最佳位置之一。
【剪子弯山】:著名的剪子弯山,藏语名叫“惹玛那 扎”,意为羊子山口。山口海拔4659米, 是经康巴的最高山口之一。【卡子拉山】:海拔4718米。行驶在卡子拉山,好象是到了美丽的牧场,让人心旷神怡,美景让人流连忘返。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
前往亚丁,扎灌崩,游览亚丁风景区,远观三座神山,夏 洛多吉神山,天乃日神山,央迈勇神山,洛绒牛场,珍珠海.包含景区观光车,包含景区电瓶车往返。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
早餐后,前往天空之城-理塘 ,参观 千户藏寨,勒通古镇,长青春科尔寺。午餐赠送 藏香鸡风味汤锅,下午驻足天路十八弯观景台,晚抵新都桥。
【长青春科尔寺】:于1580年由第三世达赖喇嘛索南嘉措创建,是康区历史最悠久,规模最大的藏传佛教 黄教寺庙。
【勒通古镇】:海拔约4014米,因此又称为“世界第一高城。 理塘藏语称“勒通”,“勒”意为青铜,“通”意为草原,意为平坦如铜镜的草原。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
【康定情歌】游览【木格措风景区】(含观光车)景区由杜鹃峡、 赛马坪、七色海、药池沸泉、木格措和红海草原六个小景 区组成。景区以高原湖泊、原始森林、温泉、雪峰、奇山 异石及长达 8 公里的叠瀑,构成了景区独特秀丽的景色。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
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