Your holiday begins with your flight to Shenyang, the capital and largest city of Liaoning Province. Upon arrival, proceed to visit Shenyang Imperial Palace. The palace complex represents the highest level of artistry of early Manchu palace architecture. Next, visit Shenyang Manchurian Street .
Lunch / Dinner
Today, depart by high speed rail to the capital of Heilongjiang - Harbin. Proceed to visit Taiyang (Sun Island, battery car included), tour Squirrel Garden and see picturesque waterfalls. Explore St.Sofia Cathedral Church. Next, visit Harbin’s commercial district, Zhong Yang Street. Here, European architecture, such as the baroque and rococo styled architecture is still prevalent. A stop will be made at Harbin Guandong Ancient Alley and Stalin Park. End the day with a visit to the Flood Prevention Memorial, built in remembrance of Harbin’s flood in 1957. Next, visit Middle East Railway Bridge.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
This morning, visit Volga Manor, where the magnificent Russian-styled architecture will surely bring you into a fairytale world. Proceed to Vodka Fort Museum to watch the royal wine vessel and taste an iced glass of vodka & sample Russian snacks. See Volga Red Bridge, St. Nicholas Cathedral, Petrov Oil Painting Art Palace and view the exterior of ancient sailing ships & unicorn buildings. Thereafter, coach on to Dunhua.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Standing in the north-eastern region of China, the mystical Mt. Changbai is known as ‘The Number One Mountain at the Eastern Border’, where the Manchu people were said to have originated from. The mountain was considered a sacred place in the Qing dynasty. Visit Heavenly Pool (Tianchi), a sacred volcanic lake for the Korean and Manchu people. It is China’s deepest lake and is located at the highest altitude. Next, marvel at the thundering Changbai Waterfall that flows into the Songhua -jiang River and visit the Changbaishan Underground Forest. (During Sept 15 - Oct 10, enjoy the autumn leaves along the way, especially at the Changbaishan area.)
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
After breakfast, visit MeiRenSong Sky BridgePark and Korean Flowers Valley Folk Village - Korean Intangible Culture Museum, Korean Folk Village Home Visit , and Experience Korean Sports. Depart for Changchun, the capital of Jilin Province and the former capital of the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo. Next , visit ["There is a mountain here"] an adorably named and well-known tourist town, perfect for taking photos.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
After breakfast, proceed to Shenyang. View the exteriors as we drive by the Automobile Manufacturing Plan GATE 1, Eight Departments of Manchukuo and Liberation Truck Sculpture. Thereafter, visit the Shenyang Expo Garden, the only international horticultural garden in the forest. (*Shenyang World Expo Park will be replaced by Shenyang Beiling Park if closed.)
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Coach on to Dandong, a city in Liaoning Province. It is the largest Chinese border city on the banks of the Yalu River, and on the border between China and North Korea. Upon arrival , proceed to visit (exterior) Broken Bridge (Duanqiao) spanning the Yalu River. Duanqiao bridge was badly damaged by American Bombers during the Korean War in the 1950s. Next, enjoy a Cruise Ride on Yalujiang River, which borders China and North Korea. Continue to visit Chinese People's Volunteer Army Floating Bridge Site, Moon Island, Volunteer Army Park and Andong Old Street Food Street.
☆ Special Arrangement : Three different spots to view the mysterious country of North Korea: Village/ Urban/ Industrial Area
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Today proceed to Red Beach Scenic Area*. It is famous for its special wildlife. Many rare types of birds can be found in this area, living among the reed beds that front the shoreline. A special type of red seaweed is found here that gives the area a deep red colour, hence the name.
View Dao Mengwan. ☆Jun to Sep: Take the small rice field train to view the rice fields (in case of bad weather, scenic spot will be cancelled with no replacement. Natural scenes are subject to weather condition. Red Beach will be replaced by Benxi Water Cave, 5A Scenic Area Wonders of the world stalactites if we are unable to visit Red Beach.)
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Today, be fascinated by the Mystic Slope and Siping Ancient Alley. Thereafter, visit Zhong Jie, the 369-year-old main shopping centre in Shenyang.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
After breakfast, transfer to the airport for your flight to Singapore. We hope you have enjoyed your vacation with SA Tours!
齐集樟宜国际机场,乘航班飞往飞 沈阳, 辽宁省省会。抵达后前往中国保存至今的清代最早的宫殿建筑群【沈阳故宫】其历史和价值仅次于北京故宫。故宫为清太祖努尔哈赤以及清太宗皇太极于公元1625年所建,黄色琉璃瓦所建构之宫殿在阳光之照射下更是显得壮丽辉煌,它是满清入关前所建造的皇宫。之后驱车前往【满清一条街】大都依清朝建筑风味而建,再加上古色古香故宫,走在这里可说是古味十足。
午餐 / 晚餐
今天前往车站乘坐高铁约2.5小时抵达素有“东方小巴黎”之称的 哈尔滨,抵达后游览驰名中外的北方园林代表之作【太阳岛公园】(含电瓶车), 这里人工与自然胜景交错遍布:游览 松鼠岛、太阳瀑、水阁云天等风景点点缀岛中,令人目不暇接。续往游览具有俄罗斯风格的【圣·索菲亚教堂广场】造型典雅的教堂,是最具有俄式风格的代表性建筑,教堂内部改为哈尔滨建筑艺术博物馆,介绍哈尔滨从二十年代中期到现在的艺术发展。之后前往参观位于最繁华商业中心的【中央大街】步行街并品尝源于这条街道最美味的 俄式面包汽水,享受北国自在的购物情趣,市内中央大街上充满俄罗斯、法式建筑物风情,在此可让您体验北国人士之风土人情。随后前往松花江畔的【斯大林公园】游览,并观赏意气风发的【防洪纪念碑】这是哈尔滨市重要标志。参观【关东古巷】千年的金源文化、百年的關東文化都在這裡匯聚,登【中东铁路大桥】。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
早餐后,前往【伏尔加庄园】并特别安排伏特加酒堡博物馆观皇家酒器并品尝冰杯伏特加&俄罗斯小食(伏尔加网红桥~圣·尼古拉大教堂(入内)~彼得洛夫油画艺术宫(入内)~观远古帆船&独角兽建筑)它用一栋栋精美绝伦的建筑记录了城市的历史,阿什河两岸的风景让你尽收眼底; 在圣尼古拉大教堂, 找到哈尔滨昔日的风采;在普希金沙龙,领略各类展览的艺术魅力;在文化园感受欧式雕塑的浪漫与美感;在以俄罗斯经典建筑为原型的游客中心,小白桦餐厅,小夜莺咖啡厅发现木质建筑的别样风情。午餐之后驱车前往敦化!
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
早餐后,参观【美人松空中廊桥公园】和【朝鲜族百花谷民俗村】(朝鲜族非物质文化博物馆,朝鲜族民俗村朝鲜族百姓家访、体验朝鲜族运动项目)。后驱车前往吉林省的省会 长春, 历史上是伪满时期的政治中心,也是电影工业的发祥地。参观【“这有山”】知名网红打卡旅游小镇】
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
今天前往东北最大的城市,辽宁省省会-沈阳市。长春外观【长春一汽汽车制造厂1号门】,【解放卡车雕塑】,车游【 伪满八大部】后前往参观【*沈阳世博园(只含大门票)】, 园内建有53个国内展园,是迄今世界历届园艺博览会中占地面积最大的一届。(*沈阳世博园开放时间视天气情况而定,如不开放将以沈阳北陵公园代替!)
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
早上出发前往丹东, 抵达后我们将带您【船游鸭绿江】,在江上以最近的距离看地球上最后一个神秘的国家-朝鲜。随后【远观断桥】这是鸭绿江上诸多桥中的一座桥,战争期间被美军炸毁,现在作为珍贵遗迹警示后人不忘战争,珍惜和平。继续参观【中国人民志愿军浮桥遗址】,【月亮岛】,【志愿军公园】和【安东老街美食一条街】。☆特别安排:三处不同地点远观神秘国度——朝鲜(乡村~市区~工业区)
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
今天前往盘锦【红海滩国家风景廊道】参观 (“稻”梦湾~踏霞漫步~“廊桥爱梦”驿站~向海同心~小岛闲情~)☆6-9月特别安排:乘坐稻田小火车观稻田(如遇恶劣天气此景点取消)~远观石油采油机)。-它以举世罕见的红海滩为特色;以全球保存最完好、规模最大的湿地资源为依托;以世界最大的芦苇荡为背景。与数以万计的水鸟和一望无际的浅海滩涂,是大自然孕育的一道天下奇观——红海滩。这里素有“五岳归来不看山,九寨归来不看水,盘锦归来不看滩”之称,已被列为国际旅游路线上的一个景点。中国诗人郎恩才曾这样评价红海滩“一次次见你,一次次惊叹”红海滩每个时间来,颜色会随着时间发生变化。其实满眼的红色都是由一株株小草构成的,它叫翅碱蓬。全世界叫翅碱蓬的草有108种,但只有在这里是长出来就是红色的。{注:盘锦不开放季节,将去本溪水洞国家风景名胜,观地下暗河与神奇钟乳石并入住沈阳市}
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
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