The World’s First and Largest “World of Frozen” Immersive Themed Land at Hong Kong Disneyland
TIER 1 TICKET $115/adult ; $90/child or senior 60+
TIER 2 TICKET $130/adult ; $100/child or senior 60+
TIER 3 TICKET $145/adult ; $115/child or senior 60+
TIER 4 TICKET $165/adult ; $125/child or senior 60+
GENERAL $189/adult ; $149/child or senior 60+
Sales Period: 13FEB-29JUN,2025 | Travel Period: 13FEB-30JUN,2025
One(1) HK$50 discount e-Voucher on merchandise with net spending of HK$500 or above at any Merchandise Stores in the Park.
OFFER $169/adult ; $129/child
A. General Terms and Conditions relating to 1-Day Tickets
1. Each 1-Day Ticket is valid for one visit to the Park by one guest on any date specified for its ticket tier or any lower ticket tier within three months commencing from (and including) the date of ticket purchase.
The validity dates for a 1-Day Ticket (Tier 1) are the dates specified for “Tier 1” in the 1-Day Ticket Calendar within three months of purchase.
The validity dates for a 1-Day Ticket (Tier 2) are the dates specified for “Tier 1” or “Tier 2” in the 1-Day Ticket Calendar within three months of purchase.
The validity dates for a 1-Day Ticket (Tier 3) are the dates specified for “Tier 1”, “Tier 2” or “Tier 3” in the 1-Day Ticket Calendar within three months of purchase.
The validity dates for a 1-Day Ticket (Tier 4) are the dates specified for “Tier 1”, “Tier 2”, “Tier 3” or “Tier 4” in the 1-Day Ticket Calendar within three months of purchase.
2. The validity dates specified for different ticket tiers in the next three months are set out in the 1-Day Ticket Calendar available The 1-Day Ticket Calendar and dates are subject to the Park’s operations and may be changed at any time and from time to time. Guests are advised to check the latest 1-Day Ticket Calendar at the time of purchase.
3. Each 1-Day Ticket must be used by the same guest.
4. All guests are required to make reservation with valid tickets or membership cards before visiting the Park. Park visit reservation of each type of ticket or membership card is subject to a limited quota. Reservation will not be accepted once the respective quota is full.
B. General Terms and Conditions relating to 2-Day Tickets
1. Each 2-Day Offer Ticket is valid for two visits to the Park by one and the same guest; the first Park visit must be within three months from the date of purchase, and the second visit must be within 6 days after the first visit.
2. All Guests holding a 2-Day ticket are only required to make the reservation for their 1st Park visit with valid tickets before visiting the Park. Park visit reservation of each type of ticket or membership card is subject to a limited quota. Reservation will not be accepted once the respective quota is full.
Upon entry to the Park, guest is required to present his/her ticket and have his/her photo taken (or present such personal identification* as Hongkong International Theme Parks Limited ("HKITP") may from time to time require) for verification. The ticket, handstamp, photo and/or such other personal identification as HKITP may from time to time require are required for re-entry into the Park and ticket upgrade (if applicable). If guest prefers not to have his/her or his/her child’s photo taken, he/she may, before entry to the Park, ask a Cast Member about alternative verification arrangement as HKITP may provide from time to time#.
*Examples of personal identification include but are not limited to: Hong Kong Identity Card, passport or other photo identification acceptable to HKITP (for children aged 3 to 11, school handbook, or birth certificate together with other photo identification; for full-time students aged 12 to 25, school handbook or full-time student card with photo identification).
#Example of alternative verification arrangement may include presenting the photo identification of the relevant guest to our Cast Members and having his/her name printed on or electronically stored with the 1-Day Ticket. Such name as recorded cannot be changed.
HKITP may refuse Park admission and/or ticket upgrade to any guest whose age, identity or other eligibility for using the ticket cannot be verified by HKITP.